SBI Custom Web Design 3 for UYO

Custom Web Design Portfolio 3 for SBI “Upload Your Own” module, created before  – Examples of my work.

Click on the images to see them in a larger format:

SBI Custom Web Design 3 – Testimonials:


I really like the template you made, with the bright colors – it is really beautiful.

Tthe pictures and graphics you used on pages look really great too.

Thanks for all your hard work!
Nicole from
Insider’s Guide to All Natural Beauty


This is incredible! – exactly what I want. Looks very nice!

I appreciate your professional help and the custom template you made for my site.

Thanks for your help and patience!

Max, from
Russian Dating Center


Tatiana –

I’m long overdue in thanking you for your creativity and technical know how in transforming into a more sophisticated and professional looking site. My primary focus is B2B, with emphasis on large corporate clients and senior level executives, so my look needed considerable upgrading in order to compete.

The logo you developed for me, along with your ideas around the top banner for the site, have been met with rave reviews from the people who have visited.

You know how technically challenged I am, so I’m thrilled with the easy to use templates you’ve developed for me. I’ve been able to upload additional content without any difficulty.

Now that the basics are done, I’m sure that I’ll be back for additional guidance as the site continues to evolve. Thank you!

Cynthia A. McGeever from
Recruiting Solutions


If you liked the samples on my custom web design 3 portfolio,, please see more from my portfolio and visit my services page. Thank you 🙂

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