SBI BB2 Web Design Template 2 – Custom L&F Graphic Design

SBI BB2 Web Design Template 2 –  Examples of SBI Websites using customized BB2 templates, made mobile friendly by request.

Here are a few examples:

SBI BB2 Web Design Template 2 – Testimonials:

Hi Tatiana

I very much appreciate the time and effort you have taken to answer my questions and to design a website for me.

I have looked at your design and like it a lot. Very much what I was hoping for. The orange motto is a nice touch. I’d give you three thumbs up if I had an extra thumb.

Thank you for all your good work and especially for your patience in putting up with my questions and total lack of understanding how the web world works.

Thanks Tatiana,

Mike, from
Effective Communication Coaching

Within two days I had the finished look and feel uploaded to my site. Brilliant!

At all times Tatiana was very professional and took on board what I said, incorporating my ideas into the design.

I am more than happy at the results and, although it has only been 24 hours since the new look and feel was uploaded to my site, the bounce rate has halved!

Thanks Tatiana,

Ron, from
Christmas Tree Memories